Is an international convention for the prevention of pollution at sea. This international treaty was adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1973, and later updated in 1978 after several severe tanker accidents.
The convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution at sea from ships, and this includes both accidental pollution and pollution from routine operations. At current date MARPOL consist of 6 technical annexes:
I Regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil
II Regulations for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
III Prevention of pollution by harmful substances carried by sea in packaged form
IV Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships V Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships
VI Prevention of air pollution from ships
URACOS is authorized to act on behalf of different flag administrations to verify that your vessels comply with MARPOL. Our involvement ranges from initial plan approval and on-board surveys to annual and renewal surveys to ensure compliance is maintained. Compliance with MARPOL for your vessel is documented by certificates issued by URACOS on behalf of the flag administration.