Company Profile

UNITED REGISTRATION AND CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICES LTD. was established in the year 2014 as a Society for the classification of ships and machinery.

The structure of the Society is a private company.

URACOS fulfils its functions in the area of safety technology with objectivity and impartiality and acts in the common interest of all concerned with the safety and operation of ships.

The object of the Society is the classification of ships.

The improvement of safety in shipping, the certification of quality and safety management systems according to the ISM (International Safety Management Code) and ISPS (International Ship and Port Security Code).

The work of URACOS is based common rules and interpretation of IACS (International Associations of Classification Societies) for its Rules for Classification, Survey and Certification. In addition to this, URACOS is recognized as setting standards of good engineering practice and international standards. URACOS is working with all its effort to be came a recognized Classification Society for all flag states and maritime organizations.